4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 29 - Results & Review)

1. Jade Cargill’s Involvement

Bianca Belair Jade Cargill Naomi

It's probably just as well The Rock, Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes and others stayed at home on Friday, because that meant SmackDown belonged to newcomer Jade Cargill. Her contract signing segment didn't overstay any welcomes, and Jade looked every bit the must-see star when cutting her promo.

The woman looks like a bloody real-life superhero, for crying out loud.

Later, Cargill saved Bianca Belair and Naomi from Damage CTRL, and then set up a 'Mania match. Working her first WWE bout on the grandest stage is a big moment for Jade, and it's smart of Triple H to protect her like this in a six-woman tag. OK, so it's yet another multi-person match for this year's weekend, but one that'll give fans a taste of what's to come from Jade without putting undue pressure on her.

Long-term, the goal must be Jade vs. Bianca. There's serious money in that, especially if the match is carefully laid out and doesn't ask Cargill to do too much too soon. Seeing Jade shine the way she did on Friday night was great - WWE have a genuine megastar in waiting on their hands.

What did you think of this week's WWE SmackDown? For more wrestling, check out 10 Risks That Could’ve KILLED WWE Careers and WWE 2K24: 15 AEW CAWs You Must Download!

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