4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 29 - Results & Review)

2. LA Knight Outsmarts AJ Styles

LA Knight AJ Styles

From one well-worked brawl to another.

It's always a risk to have rivals dress up as cameramen/security/fans etc, because it can make the other wrestler look like a complete tool. Cheerfully, WWE did a neat job with LA Knight's fake security guise on SmackDown, and AJ Styles went from looking for a fight to wishing he hadn't bothered.

Last week, LA invaded AJ's home but the latter refused to press charges so they'd still get to fight at WrestleMania. Styles hammered home that simple explanation on Friday night, then took another clubbering from Knight for his troubles. Dusty Rhodes would've been proud of that there clubbering.

The brawl didn't chew through much time on the show, but it got the intended point across. LA has been outsmarting AJ since Styles got the hop on him at Elimination Chamber. Now, next week, they'll finally settle their differences. This could well be a hidden gem on the undercard, people.

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