4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 29 - Results & Review)

2. This Ship Is Close To Sailing

Final Testament Pride Karrion Kross AOP Bobby Lashley

Final Testament vs. The Pride is a feud that had potential on paper, but that paper is thinner than Tony Khan's scripts for episodes of ROH. Seeing Karrion Kross and pals beat down Bobby Lashley and pals one more time won't change. Hopefully, assuming they'll get the chance, these factions can have a surprise scorcher at 'Mania.

They badly need it.

Kross and Lashley need it more than anyone. Karrion is still waiting to properly make his presence felt on SmackDown nearly two years after returning under Triple H, and Bobby traded World Title matches at 'Mania for skipping last year's and possibly working a blink-and-you'll-miss-it clash this time.

It's difficult to put one's finger on exactly what's missing here. Everyone's trying their best, but Testament's end goal remains a mystery and the AOP look more like clumsy background noise than a key part of business. As the subheading says, this ship (the rivalry) has almost sailed.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.