4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 29 - Results & Review)

1. Fairly Lowkey Main Event

Bianca Belair Dakota Kai

The ongoing Damage CTRL drama gave SmackDown's main event a little juice going in, but Bianca Belair and Dakota Kai never clicked once the bell sounded. Perhaps that speaks to just how much Bianca needs to turn - WWE will either trigger that at 'Mania or wait until the biggest weekend of 2024 is out of the way.

It's surely coming soon enough.

Belair can't keep going on as she is, because her matches and segments are playing before diminishing returns. Also, whilst it was great to see Dakota continue her road to recovery by working another TV singles match, this probs isn't one she'll look back on fondly. It was indicative of Friday's in-ring struggles.

Throughout, one got the impression watching from home that fans in the arena were sitting on their hands waiting for the finish so something else story-related would happen. It did, and that'll be examined in the 'Ups', but not before Bianca and Dakota toiled for around 10 minutes or so to get there.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.