4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 29 - Results & Review)


4. No Problems With Rey Mysterio’s Pick

Dragon Lee

Right, onto the good stuff.

Sure, it's a bit of a shame that WWE didn't see Santos Escobar vs. Rey Mysterio as worthy of an undercard spot on 'Mania, but this tag bout is a decent makeweight. It's also a thinly-veiled excuse to squeeze more names onto the weekend. Meh, it is what it is there. Besides, Dragon Lee is about to live the dream.

Teaming with Rey Mysterio on Wrestle-freakin-Mania is a huge spot for him. If he can get through that by popping the live crowd with some dazzling moves then actually flesh out a character, then Lee will be off to the races on the main roster. Yep, yours truly is choosing to look on the bright side with all of this.

If nothing else, the match will maintain some interest from fans because of Rey's involvement and the heat on Dominik. More father vs. son dramatics there does add a touch of much-needed spice. Everyone just has to be careful not to turn this into Rey vs. Dom more than Rey vs. Santos and Dragon Lee's spotlight.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.