4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 29 - Results & Review)

3. That To The Point Brawl

Bayley IYO SKY Brawl

Boy, Bayley and IYO SKY needed this sort of moment.

Their story has been solid as a rock up until now, yes, but the physicality of SmackDown's behind the scenes brawl helps ignite the fuse before they collide on PLE next week. Bayley being the one to kick it all off by ambushing IYO during the champ's sit-down interview time also worked; that sells how backed into a corner she's been lately.

Babyface Bayley had to come out swinging some time. It's worth noting that she'll be a different kind of face in 2024 than she was years ago. The 'girl next door' vibes are gone, and there will be no clamour for Bayley getting all nervous in front of fans or antagonistic heels during promos any longer. She's come a long way, so it's time to kick some butt.

Credit must go to SKY for taking her lumps during this segment. She fought back, of course, but the segment was mainly about Bayley showing she's capable of taking IYO when it's one-on-one and Damage CTRL isn't there to save her old stablemate's skin.

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