4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE NXT WarGames 2021

2. Bron Breakker’s Dominance

Bron Breakker NXT WarGames 2021

Speaking of moments.

Bron Breakker smashed, stomped, suplexed and destroyed everyone in his path, which is exactly how Rick Steiner's boy should be booked. It's a real credit to his dangerous aura that the main event noticeably picked up some steam when he entered the match too.

Seeing Bron rampage out as the final man on 'Team 2.0', and cut a bolt that was blocking entrance to the cage, was dramatic. One half-expected them to go Mark Henry with the musclebound f*cker and have him rip the cage door clean off. Thankfully, WWE restrained that over-the-top side to their writing for once.

Breakker didn't look weak once he was in WarGames anyway. He tossed everybody around, and only got cut down when Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano started working together like it was 2016, this was TakeOver: Toronto and they were in there with The Revival/AEW's FTR.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.