4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE NXT WarGames 2021

3. Total Filler

Cameron Grimes Duke Hudson NXT WarGames 2021

Nothing on the card aside from both WarGames matches felt essential.

If anything, Cameron Grimes vs. Duke Hudson should've been kept aside as a featured match on Tuesday night telly. It came across as filler immediately, and never really kicked into a higher gear before Grimes rolled up Duke for the win. Then, WWE sorta reneged on the advertised stipulation.

This 'Hair vs. Hair' gimmick was supposed to see one man get shaved totally bald. That didn't happen. Hudson scarpered before Cameron could finish giving him the barber treatment; it was hard enough to care about the visual of an already short-haired Duke getting a little trim anyway.

It's not like he was ever going to look radically different, which is surely the purpose of these things. Now, Hudson will show up on NXT TV sporting a baldy, and he might even shave off his goatee. How that drastically alters his or Grimes' fortunes is anyone's guess.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.