4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE Raw (July 12)

2. Just A Replica

Jinder Mahal Drew McIntyre Sword Veer Shanky

So, wait, Jinder Mahal and cronies stole Drew McIntyre's sword and it turned out to be a replica? Worse, the big Scot seemingly knew what they were planning, because he switched out the real deal for a fake before they nabbed it last week. Huh?


How could Drew have known what the heels were scheming? Also, does McIntyre carry a spare replica with him at all times? None of this makes any sense at all, and it was a poorly-crafted excuse to have Drew destroy Mahal's "custom made" motorcycle backstage.

There was no point in booking the sword-stealing bit if it was going to be squashed seven nights later. The whole angle is crummy, and now Jinder's squad looks like a trio of utter tools who have next-to-no menace for the rest of this program.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.