4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (May 29)

4. Referees Are Allowed On Crime Scenes?

Elias Jeff Hardy

It's the most minor of complaints considering this writer actually liked the opening segment, but there was a real lack of logic when Elias was being carted away in an ambulance. Roving reporter Renee Young was shooed away by the police for trying to sneak a peek and get some hot scoop.

That's fine. Makes sense, right? Why then were all those referees and other WWE officials allowed to galavant around a crime scene without getting pushed beyond some yellow tape too though? It made for a jarring visual to see Jamie Noble go places Renee Young couldn't.

So much for logic.

Jason Jordan, Noble and a ton of referees were free to do whatever they pleased, including putting their hands on the bogus police officers. That ruined any immersion WWE were trying to create with this dramatic set piece, and it made Young look less important than most.

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Jeff Hardy
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