4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (May 29)

3. Who's In Charge Around Here?

AJ Stylea Daniel Bryan Adam Pearce

Also, who put Adam Pearce in charge?

This is a problem that has popped up on SmackDown before. A short while back, Pearce forced Bayley and Sasha Banks into a match they didn't want to work. It was odd then, and it's odd now to see someone who's been portrayed as nothing more than a backstage agent (since forever) start calling the shots.

Pearce was the one who created a contingency plan for the Intercontinental Title tourney after Elias and Jeff Hardy were pulled. He even went so far as to announce a hasty 10-man Battle Royal to determine who'd face Daniel Bryan in semi final one, and gave AJ Styles a bye into the final round.

What? How can a guy who's only known for breaking up brawls and calling for help when someone is injured backstage start making decisions that important? WWE need to decide whether they want authority figures or not, because this is just out there to draft Pearce in every so often as a GM-lite.

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Jeff Hardy
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