4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sept 18)

2. MITB Monotony

Heavy Machinery Otis Tucker

To recap, Miz and Morrison tried to poach Otis' Money In The Bank contract by pinching his briefcase, then his lunchbox. When neither plan worked, the not-so-cunning duo enlisted legal help to wrangle the guaranteed World Title shot away from the Caterpillar-loving funny man.

Now, they've served Otis with a lawsuit. Huh?

Not only is it mind-numbing that WWE think this is getting Otis over as a credible Universal Title threat, but just...what? How can Miz and JoMo have any legal case for the MITB contract? They were the ones who tried to steal it, and Otis is the rightful owner after winning that ladder match at WWE HQ over the summer.

None of this makes any sense at all. It's so bad that you'd actually swear you've missed a skit or two that explains more of the story. Miz and Morrison's bid to take MITB from Otis died a death weeks ago now, so it's seriously worrying that WWE are persisting.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.