4 Ups & 7 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (May 24)

5. Please Leave Already

Here we are again: Glenn Gilbertti being disrespectful to the Knockouts, something that would’ve worked when he was in his prime but not something that’ll receive any cheap pops in today’s society. You have to wonder who came up with this gimmick idea for the former disco dancer. How on earth did it escape the creative meeting with the green light?

This time around, his attentions were focused on hosting an intergender exhibition, which was answered by newcomer Ashley Vox. It was nothing but a pointless waste of time. No-one benefited from this. We should all be thankful to Tessa Blanchard for running out to not only save Ashley, but also save the fans from having to watch another second.

It’s all building to Tessa vs. Glenn, which has since been announced for next week’s episode. When that’s all said and done, can we say goodbye to Glenn? He isn’t helping anyone with the schtick he’s been doing lately and frankly, there can’t be many people who want him to stick around for much longer at this stage.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.