4 Ups & 7 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (May 24)

4. Longer Than Necessary

In the opening match, Sami Callihan went toe to toe with Fallah Bahh. Although Bahh has risen up the ranks in recent times, this match shouldn’t have went as long as it did. In addition, Bahh certainly shouldn’t have gotten as many near falls as he did.

The amount of foot-biting offence Callihan utilised throughout this match was more than expected – does he not remember he used to be a feared deathmatch wrestler? Luckily for Sami, Fallah Bahh was more focused on taking out Dave and Jake Crist at ringside after they tried to assault Scarlett Bordeaux (for some reason, she hasn’t turned on Fallah yet), hitting a suicide dive that was impressive for a guy of his stature. Returning to the ring, he was met with a piledriver variation that gave Callihan the three count, thankfully.

It was never going to be the best match of the show but with Sami Callihan – the 2018 Impact Wrestler of the Year remember – in it, it had no reason to be this poor. Commentary mentioned that Sami wants to remind people of that aforementioned accomplishment. If that’s the way he’s going, he’ll have to do better than this.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.