4 Ups & 7 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (May 24)

2. Another Loss

This is perhaps the biggest nitpick to ever occur on this column since it began, but it has to be said.

Two weeks ago on Impact, The LAX faced Josh Alexander and Moose while Ethan Page was busy elsewhere on the card, a match that Alexander and Moose would go on to lose. That meant Ortiz and Santana were already 1-0 against The North in some sort of capacity. Despite the loss, Josh was still awarded a World Tag Team Championships match here alongside usual partner Ethan, a match that (to no-one’s surprise) they lost.

If we’re counting Moose as an official member – which we are for the purpose of this – then The North now sit at two losses in a row against The LAX. Would it not have been better for them to get a championship opportunity a little later down the line? They only started teaming in Impact about a month or so ago, and they haven’t done that much. Build them up before having them lose time and time again.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.