4 Ups And 2 Downs From Last Night's WWE Smackdown (Oct 11)

1. Family Feud

Harper Kane Wyatt

The main event of Smackdown pitted Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper against the team of Randy Orton and Kane, and while that sounds like a recipe for disaster, it actually wasn't bad, thanks to a great performance by Harper.

This match was the former Intercontinental Champion's first televised bout since suffering a knee injury in March, and most of what he did was with Kane. He excelled, hitting dropkicks and other maneuvers that showed off his surprising agility, all while maintaining an excellent ring presence.

The finish, admittedly, left something to be desired. Orton was crawling toward Kane for a tag when the lights went out, and when they came back on, Harper was standing where Kane had been ("The Big Red Machine" was nowhere to be found). Wyatt took the opportunity to hit Orton with Sister Abigail and score the pin.

Silliness aside, Harper is a welcome presence on the blue brand. Hopefully, WWE realizes that Smackdown's roster is kind of thin and he could really deliver in a larger role than he's had in the past.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013