4 Ups And 4 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (July 22)


4. Joe Shows Some Fury

Samoa Joe continues his rather pointless rampage of destruction through the lower mid card, demolishing jobbers with nary a storyline in sight. While this would normally be enough to earn him a spot on the Downs portion of the list, the fire that Joe demonstrated last night was more than enough to give fans hope for his NXT run. While Joe's previous squash matches have been somewhat slow-moving affairs, this match really ignited the crowd. Joe punched, chopped and pummelled Rawlis with an intensity that he had yet to show during his so-far uninspired tenure. He bellowed with ferocity before several of his big moves, again stirring the crowd. With Joe set to take on Rhyno in two weeks, things are finally looking up for the Samoan Submission Machine. Admittedly Rhyno has been utterly neutered by his constant losses to the elite of NXT, but at least he's a known quantity who can give the Samoan an actual match. Here's hoping that they give Joe something resembling a money match in Brooklyn. As last night proved, he's sorely ready for a bigger challenge.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.