4 Ups And 4 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (June 17)
3. The 'Traditional WWE Superstar Look' Is Dying
For a long-time now, the WWE has been a looks-based company, and in some ways it still is. There's little doubt that one of the reasons why Roman Reigns was pushed so heavily, is that he's got the looks of a male model, and the reason why Daniel Bryan had such a difficult route to the top was that he was "short" with a "goat face". Similarly, most of the Divas have a certain busty, tanned silhouette. But little by little this has begun to fundamentally change and it was really hammered home by this episode of NXT, filled with unconventional-looking superstars, and the company's future is so much better for it. First of all, Enzo Amore looks like a disco gremlin, all mad eyes and patchy hair, but he's one of the most over talkers in the building. Second, Charlotte is admittedly glamorous, but her above-average height and ripped physique is damn unusual for the WWE's current Divas roster, and damn striking. Last of all, the main event of the show was between two men, neither of whom fit the traditional 'chiselled' mould of yesteryear. Neither man is conventionally good-looking and both are heavy, but they're also both megastars. Looking back at who the WWE chose as their top guys, the Hulk Hogans, Lex Lugers and John Cenas of this world, it seems baffling that someone who looks like Kevin Owens could be a major star for the company, and that's one of the reasons he's going to do so well. In a week celebrating the life of Dusty Rhodes, it's good to see the less 'traditional'-looking members of the roster doing well.