4 Ups And 6 Downs From WWE Raw (June 20)
5. Gabfest Adds Nothing To Match

If four people coming out to talk is a promo train, what do you call it when six superstars walk out to yap?
Raw opened with Bianca Belair welcoming everyone to Raw, and then telling us that Rhea Ripley won’t be medically cleared to wrestle by Money in the Bank. Instead we were getting a fatal five-way match to determine the new #1 contender.
And wouldn’t you know it, we then got each of the five wrestlers, one at a time, to come out and whine and complain on the mic. It added nothing to the anticipation for a match that was taking place right after the commercial break. All it did was kill 10 minutes and kill your enthusiasm for the match. No one came off likable in this segment.
But hey, when you’ve got three hours, might as well fill it with stuff.