5 Best Interviews In Power Slam Magazine History

2. Mick Foley - Superstars of Wrestling Issue 28 (1994)

Mick Foley€™s interview with Martin is the one pick which comes from the predecessor to PS, Superstars of Wrestling Magazine. The interview was conducted just a couple of weeks after the infamous incident in Germany where Foley, as Cactus Jack, lost his ear during a match with Vader.

What Fin loved about the interview was the variety of subjects that Mick was willing to go into, saying that €œWe talked about a lot of his feuds, we talked about having matches with Eddie Gilbert in Tri State, we talked about Sting. He was such value for money was Mick Foley, you could ask him anything and he was just a pleasure to talk to€.

The chat came at a time when Foley hadn€™t yet gone to ECW to cut the famous promos that molded him and shaped him before he would go onto the WWF and become an international mega star. Here, you got an honest account of a wrestler trying to make it to the top, sacrificing his ear in the process.

Summarising the chat, Martin recalled:

€œI felt like the interview was a real turning point and a breakthrough for the magazine. It was the first time that I felt an interview subject was willing to go in any direction. It came at a really terrible time for him with his ear injury but also a tremendous time in that we got to talk about it€.

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Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.