5 Booking Decisions WWE Would Be Crazy NOT To Make After Royal Rumble 2020

1. Edge Versus Anyone


I actually shed a tear when Adam Copeland handed in his title and announced that it was no longer safe for him to wrestle. Literally at the top of his career, the injuries he'd sustained to get there had pushed him over the edge. For a second, the storylines were put aside for something real and you could see how hard it was for him to be leaving this behind.

Fast forward to 2020 and "You think you know me" sent the arena into the biggest meltdown of the night. If I hadn't been so excited, I probably would've shed another tear seeing just how overwhelmed Edge was to still pull that reaction from the crowds after nine years away.

Forget that the rumours somewhat diminished the surprise to those who believe them all. Forget that the production somehow decided the close-up reaction of the crowd was more important than his first spear after returning. This was the biggest return of the night, and the start of a farewell run that WWE would have to try very hard to spoil.

The Rated RKO reunion and their attempted Rumble betrayals of each other is a logical starting point for a final run that builds on Edge's emotional return, but any match will see the crowd firmly behind him. So long as they don't feed him to Baron Corbin at WrestleMania as a final match, each time Edge enters the ring is a license to print money.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.