5 Current WWE Angles That Are Going NOWHERE

2. Finn Bálor & Bayley Are Great Pals

Finn Balor Bayley

Let's be plain: Finn Bálor, at his best, is one of the best professional wrestlers on the planet today. He's relentlessly solid, can work against pretty much anybody and has a bad-ass 'Demon' character to bring out on major events. The positives should outweigh the negatives by a long, long way.

They don't. Shock and indeed horror.

Right now, Finn's story is that he's great pals with Bayley. That's literally it, and it's the only reason they're smiling their way down ramps across the country and celebrating like life is just brilliant. OK, so WWE want to promote the Mixed Match Challenge. That's fine. Couldn't they do it with a bit more enthusiasm and creativity?

This story is going nowhere. Once the MMC wraps up, what then? Will Bálor and Bayley continue to team together? Probably not, and therein lies the issue. There's no satisfying ending to the story, and it's gobbling up time on Raw that could be better-spent showing off how good Finn is.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.