5 Future WWE Tournament Ideas That Must Be Considered

3. Mixed Tag Tournament

new day rocks

The upcoming WWE Women's Tournament is the next step in the Women's Revolution. Where Divas matches were so often cut to under ten minutes, the women of WWE will now have their own tournament to display their ability in the ring.

A theme throughout this revolution has been making the women's product a legitimate counterpart to the men's. This has resulted in women taking on match stipulations they have been kept clear of for so long, including ladder matches, iron(wo)man matches, and Hell in a Cell.

For all the good this has done, I believe some of the biggest strides made in that direction come when the men and women take the stage side-by-side. Obviously WWE's PG rating prohibits intersex violence in most cases, but they have proven that the mixed tag can work under some regulations.

WWE is coming off one of their most high-profile mixed tags in years, with Cena and Nikki Bella taking on Maryse and The Miz at WrestleMania 33. While the post-match events overshadowed the in-ring action, there's plenty of talent on the roster capable of pairing up for a mixed tag tournament.

I firmly believe a tournament of this nature would fit right into WWE's current progressive landscape.

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University of Edinburgh student, freelance writer and all-round banter merchant.