WWE: 5 Possibilities For Stone Cold Steve Austin At Wrestlemania 30

4. To Be The Special Guest Referee In The Title Match

Wrestlemania 30 The biggest storyline going into Wrestlemania 30 has been Daniel Bryan's quest for the WWE Title. He's been chasing it for nine months, and he's been constantly screwed over time and again. There's been reports of burial on the Internet, there's been times when we were sure that he was finally done, but this Sunday he finally has his chance at redemption and revenge. He faces off against the man who's been trying to bury him for close to a year, Triple H. And whoever wins goes on to the main event to compete for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The jury is still out on whether this is a masterpiece of long term booking genius or WWE finally getting it right after nine months, but the fact is that this makes Daniel Bryan's matches the most hotly anticipated in Wrestlemania history for quite some time. But it also makes fans paranoid about Triple H screwing Bryan again, since he's also in the running for the Championship. This is where Stone Cold could be valuable. In the past, Austin and Triple H were each other's greatest rivals, and if there's anyone capable of keeping him in check, it's Stone Cold. Imagine the scene... Daniel Bryan beats The Game in their match, and celebrates all the way up the ramp, when a groggy Triple H takes the microphone and tells Bryan that this isn't over, swearing that he will do whatever it takes to make sure Bryan doesn't win the Championship. The triple threat comes around, and the odds are well and truly stacked against Bryan, when suddenly Vince McMahon's music hits, and he announces that "in the interest of fairness" he has appointed a referee who will make sure that everything is called right down the middle. Glass shatters, and out comes Stone Cold in a black and white shirt. The pop for this would be enormous, there's no doubt. And the sight of Wrestlemania closing with Austin stunning a furious Triple H, Randy Orton or Batista and drinking some Steveweisers in the ring with Daniel Bryan is one that many fans will cherish. The only problem with this is that it undermines Bryan slightly. This whole story is about him dragging himself to a championship victory after being knocked down so many times, and it makes it a lot less special if he needs the help of Austin or anybody else to win it at last. But that may not matter to management, and if it does happen on Sunday, I won't be unhappy.

Stephen Maher has been a rock star, a bouncer, a banker and a busker on various streets in various countries. He's hung out with Robert Plant, he was at Nelson Mandela's birthday and he's swapped stories with prostitutes and crack addicts. He once performed at a Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras by accident. These days, he passes the time by writing about music, wrestling, games and other forms of nerdery. And he rarely drinks the blood of the innocent.