5 Positives & 5 Negatives From WWE Royal Rumble 2016

2. Cameras Missing Spots

Something that's been happening over the past year or two that never used to happen in the previous 30 years of Kevin Dunn's WWE career is the camera operators missing spots. The biggest gaffe that the camera crew experienced at the 29th Royal Rumble surrounded New Day and Kofi Kingston's "second" elimination from the Royal Rumble Match. The New Day member did not disappoint in his annual eliminated-but-not-really attempt this year, which of course came with the help of his New Day comrades, specifically landing on Big E's shoulders. The spot was not the most original of Kofi's run, but it made sense and continued the tradition. That part Kevin Dunn's crew got just fine. It was what happened after that they missed. To start, after Big E caught Kofi on his shoulders, Kofi comically grabbed a soda from one of the fans outside the ring that the camera crew didn't cut to. Kingston remained outside the ring, on E's shoulders, for the next several minutes but the camera crew never felt it necessary to get a closer shot. Instead, they focused on the wide shot of all the match's participants, which can be explained away for a bit, but Kofi was out there for quite a while. Long enough to be able to take a fan's bucket of popcorn that he then ate as part of his mid-match snack, and again, no focus from the camera crew. But the most egregious spot that the camera operators missed was both Kofi's re-entering the Royal Rumble Match, followed apparently by his abrupt legitimate elimination. The camera went from a wide shot showing New Day still outside the ring, then a switch to Stardust entering at #14, then the camera switched back, not to the match, but instead on the League of Nations' attack on Roman Reigns over by the announce tables, outside the ring. Instead of quick cuts back into the ring, keeping the television audience abreast of the match's happenings, the cameras focused on the non-match-threatening action surrounding Reigns on the outside. When the view finally cut back to the ring, the New Day was no where to be seen and only a few minutes later did fans at home get a replay of Kofi's elimination, after the fact.

A former stuntman for Paramount Pictures, Matt enjoys sports, water skiing, driving fast, the beach, professional wrestling, technology, and scotch. At the same time, whenever possible. Having attended many famous (and infamous) shows including WrestleMania XV, In Your House: Mind Games, and the 1995 King of the Ring, Matt has been a lifelong professional sports and wrestling fan. Matt's been mentioned in numerous wrestling podcasts including the Steve Austin Show: Unleashed, Talk Is Jericho, and Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard. As a former countywide performer, Matt has been referred to as Mr. 300 for his amazing accomplishments in the world of amateur bowling. He is also the only man on record to have pitched back-to-back no hitters in the Veterans Stadium Wiffle Ball League of 2003.