5 Reasons WWE Should Hire CM Punk (... & 5 Reasons They Shouldn't!)

3. Shouldn't - He Has A LOT Of Enemies In The Company

CM Punk

...because he does not have many friends in Stamford, Conneticut.

This article stated earlier that the WWE locker room might be disgruntled if Punk came in for the same amount of money he was making in AEW. That's actually the least of Punk's problems, as the higher you go up the WWE's corporate ladder, the fewer allies Punk has.

The bad blood between Punk and the company higher-ups looks a long way from being settled - remember back in April when Vince McMahon ordered Punk to be removed from RAW backstage? - and to be fair, Punk himself isn't exactly one to forgive and forget either. (As William Regal found out during his brief time in AEW).

When it comes to Punk and the WWE brass, it's hard not to think about one of the promotion's most tiresome tropes - "Can They Co-Exist?" Given WWE management's apparent disdain for Punk, and the latter's refusal to walk on eggshells, it's unlikely the atmosphere around Titan Towers would be sunshine and rainbows at the prospect of Punk's return.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.