5 Reasons WWE Should Sign Samoa Joe (And 4 Reasons They Shouldn't)

3. He Would Be A Perfect "Paul Heyman Guy"

The news of Joe's TNA departure broke on Tuesday at around 5pmET when Joe did a tweet about it. About three hours later, Paul Heyman retweeted Joe's post and put a "Hmmm" on it. It received over 2,000 retweets and nearly 3,000 favorites from excitable wrestling fans. Heyman didn't even tweet an actual word, yet it got people talking. That's power. Joe would be phenomenal as a "Paul Heyman Guy" in WWE because he has earned a reputation as the "Samoan Submission Machine" as somebody that can wrestle any style against any opponent. Those are the guys that Heyman loves working with. Joe can be a badass heel that beats people up, then makes them tap out via submission and laugh at them after it's over because he's a cocky guy when needed too. What's good about this timing is that Brock Lesnar may be gone from WWE after WrestleMania 31, which means that Heyman is going to need a new wrestler to advocate for (Heyman says he's not a manager). There are a number of current WWE talents that could fill that spot for Heyman, but don't sleep on the idea of Heyman bringing in somebody new to WWE. Joe fits perfectly. Pairing Joe with Heyman upon his WWE arrival would give Joe instant credibility. For fans that know Joe, they would mark out at the idea of the best manager with his top talent. For the fans that have no idea who he is, they would believe in him quickly because if Heyman is out there telling them that Joe is a great wrestler then the people will buy into it right away. Heyman offers the kind of credibility that nobody else can give. If Joe ends up in WWE, he should be associated with Heyman immediately. It's a great fit.
In this post: 
TNA Samoa Joe
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.