5 Reasons WWE Should Sign Samoa Joe (And 4 Reasons They Shouldn't)

2. He Might Welcome Working In NXT Because It's A Great Product

The NXT brand is the best part of WWE right now. Most people know that. They tape their shows on a monthly basis out of Full Sail University in the Orlando area in front of about 300 fans and it's fun to watch every week. Their NXT Takeover special two hour shows are usually great while making members of the main roster jealous of how much time they get to have their big matches. If you're a free agent wrestler (like Samoa Joe is) then you want to be in NXT right now. There's so much talent there from the experienced guys like Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville, Kevin Owens, Finn Balor and Hideo Itami. Joe is familiar with all of them whether he's worked with some of them or just from knowing the business as well as he does. There are dream matches right there that Joe could have that likely entice him in terms of going to WWE one day. In addition to those veterans, the NXT roster features a lot of good up and coming talent that could learn a lot from being in the ring with an experienced guy like Joe. He's worked so many different styles as well as different kinds of opponents that he could be like a teacher too. NXT has reached the point where it's the place that wrestlers want to be at least for a few months just because of the fun atmosphere that surrounds it as well as the opportunity it provides. A few years ago the thought of Joe in developmental sounded silly. Today? It sounds pretty cool. WWE should look at Joe as somebody they can bring in, help mould into the WWE style for about six months and then put him on the main roster. He doesn't need to be in developmental for very long.
In this post: 
TNA Samoa Joe
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.