5 Reasons WWE Should Sign Samoa Joe (And 4 Reasons They Shouldn't)

And 4 Reasons Why WWE Shouldn't Sign Samoa Joe...

4. The TNA Stigma Is A Negative

Vince Mcmahon Tna Wrestling WWE almost never mentions TNA. They don't think of them as competition, nor should they. It's not like they have the same bankroll as WWE, but it is another place for wrestlers to work to make a decent living. They also tend to avoid TNA talents because they don't really want guys that made their name somewhere else. When AJ Styles became available over a year ago, WWE didn't make him a significant offer. They should have. Instead, he chose to work for New Japan, Ring of Honor and indy promotions around the world. There are other very good former TNA talents that WWE could sign at any time like Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin and several others, yet WWE chooses not to bring them in. Why? Because they want to avoid people from TNA. If you look at WWE signings in recent years, there are only a few "big names" from TNA that WWE scooped up. They were Kharma, who was known as Awesome Kong in TNA (where she is again), but she didn't make it very far in WWE. Xavier Woods was known as Consequences Creed in TNA. WWE signed him, put him through the developmental system for years and re-branded him. They have also recently brought in Sting, who spent the majority of the last decade in TNA. However, if you listen to Triple H talk about him you'll hear him say that Sting was the face of WCW and then he "disappeared" after that. A lot of fans know better, but that's the WWE way of manipulating the story like they always do. WWE wants their stars to feel new in their company. Working for TNA for nearly a decade gave Joe a chance to make a name for himself, but it also hurts in terms of trying to get into WWE. That's just how the wacky wrestling business works.
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TNA Samoa Joe
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.