5 Reasons WWE Should Sign Samoa Joe (And 4 Reasons They Shouldn't)

3. The WWE Roster Is Already Loaded With Talent That Can't Break Out

The biggest complaint from WWE fans all the time is that they do a poor job of making new stars. They think that a guy like Roman Reigns isn't ready, yet he's probably main eventing WrestleMania. Meanwhile, a guy like Dean Ambrose main evented multiple PPVs to end 2014 and now he's not close to that main event level. Another guy is Cesaro, who went from potential main eventer about nine months ago to a tag team wrestler today. A big fan favorite is Dolph Ziggler. He's been in WWE for nearly ten years, yet he's yet to have a huge showcase match at a WrestleMania. Fans want to see him get a significant push. Instead, it appears as though he might be left off the WrestleMania card in terms of having a big match. There are several other guys that have been there for years that may never break through. Names like Bad News Barrett, Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow come to mind. Can they ever really become top guys? It may be difficult for all of them. The point to all of this is that if Samoa Joe is brought in, will he ever get a significant push? The roster has a lot of talent in the midcard that may never break through and adding Joe to the mix could only add another name to the pile. It may hurt the current locker room if they bring Joe in and that's a reason to second guess things.
In this post: 
TNA Samoa Joe
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.