5 Stupid WWE Title Changes WWE Must Totally Regret

3. Sycho Sid (1997)

Sycho Sid Bret Hart

The night before losing his newly-won WWF Title to Sycho Sid on Raw, Bret Hart had engaged in one of the best pay-per-view matches of the 90s. His In Your House Fatal-4-Way elimination match with Steve Austin, Vader and The Undertaker was as hard-hitting as it was thrilling. The match with Sid, by comparison, was anything but.

Afterwards, Sid produced one of the most flat WrestleMania main events of all time against 'Taker and Bret worked one of the supercard's best-ever matches with Steve Austin.

Would that stunning, timeless 'Submission' effort have benefitted from the title? Maybe. Maybe not, but it can't be argued that nobody would have bemoaned the lack of a Sid vs. The Undertaker title bore following it. Had Hart turned mid-match against Austin and held onto his WWF Title, fans would have been clamouring to see new babyface sensation Stone Cold beat him for it.

Instead, people had to sit through Sid's asinine 34-day reign. By '97, he was a placeholder champ if there ever was one, and everyone knew it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.