5 Things About WCW/ECW Invasion That Ruled (And 5 That Sucked)

1. The Paul Heyman Shoot Promo

Vince McMahon spent most of the Invasion winding up Jim Ross at the announce desk or playing second fiddle to Shane and Stephanie in backstage segments. Although he was a riot on commentary, Heyman's real strength is definitely his in-ring promo work and, sadly, for much of the Invasion WWF fans didn't have a chance to see that. On the pre-Survivor Series Smackdown, however, Heyman got his chance. Heyman told Power Slam magazine that the only instruction he received from Vince before his infamous 'shoot' promo was 'sell me some Survivor Series pay-per-views'. The former ECW foreman didn't need telling twice. He went to the ring and proceeded to tear the WWF and Vince apart. Here are some choice quotes from the promo:
Have you watched the television show lately? Vince McMahon has lost his mind! The man doesn't have it anymore! He's a has-been. His ideas are antiquated. His concepts are Draconian and Mick Foley was right because the WWF is imploding from within. Like every great empire, the WWF is imploding from within. You took Hulk Hogan's blood and you built Titan Towers. You stole Bret Hart's dream, and with that money, bought yourself an airplane with WWF all over it. You did that and you know it, you son of a bitch! You stole Shawn Michael's smile, took your company public and made yourself a billionaire. But not a self-made billionaire, like you like to tell everybody you are. Oh no, you see, you're a billionaire on other people's hard work. You flaunt your affairs in Playboy for your children to read! You bastard! Look at Tazz! Look at Tazz! This man was a killer, he was a machine! He was a wrestler, a great wrestler, a real man. But wrestling is a dirty word to you, isn't it, Vince?
It was pretty breathtaking stuff, and Heyman showed a lot of guts by going out and saying the things he said. The last great moment of the Invasion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KasnTlFiTmE

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...