5 Things About WCW/ECW Invasion That Ruled (And 5 That Sucked)

And 5 That Sucked...

5. Those Kronik & Buff Bagwell Matches

Buff Bagwell and Booker T were given the enviable task of competing in the first all-WCW main event on Raw. Bagwell managed to p*** everyone in the company off, from the talent to the people in the office, with his poor attitude. 'The Stuff' was late for house shows, rejected road agents' advice and even started a fight with Shane 'Hurricane' Helms. Then his mother started calling human resources over trivial matters. This all happened within the space of a fortnight. With all the bother he was causing, the least he could do is have a decent match. He didn't. Bagwell and Booker had a stinker in the Raw main event, with hundreds of fans leaving on-camera while the match was in progress. Of course none of the blame was placed on Booker, who was humble, well-liked and considered a good worker. Bagwell was fired soon after. The hilarious thing is that he still doesn't know why he was fired. There wasn't a match as bad as the Bagwell/Booker one until Kronik turned up in the autumn. A 'roided-out-of-their-minds Bryan Clark and Brian Adams had the worst match of the year against The Undertaker and Kane at Unforgiven. The match was tedious, uncoordinated and, frankly, a waste of 'Taker and Kane. Adams and Clark spent much of the match no-selling and/or tripping over their own feet. Apparently The Undertaker chewed them out backstage afterwards. After the Unforgiven debacle and two equally-poor dark matches they were politely asked to report to WWF developmental territory Heartland Wrestling Association. Adams, realising his options were limited, went along with it whilst Clark refused. Both were handed their pink slip soon after.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...