5 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Aug 20)

4. JR

AEW Rampage Commentary Taz Excalibur Jim Ross Mark Henry

Good ol' JR gets a lot of sh*t for his commentary these days. Sometimes, it's unfair. Other times, he comes across as out of touch and possibly not a great fit for All Elite's often-rapid in-ring style. Then, like he did here, Jim Ross reminds everyone why he is who he is.

It's important to give props when they're due.

Ross was way more tolerable than Chris Jericho was last week. Some folks seem to think that wrestling comms are all about yelling your way through absolutely everything or making smart-arsed comments to put yourself over. Jericho didn't do that constantly, but he was grating as part of an over-staffed four man booth last week.

JR's presence made Rampage smoother. He even popped the rest of the team when they were hyping matches for All Out and he said, "Hey, is that the night CM Punk wrestles Darby Allin?". That was slick. Jim helped ease the workload for Excalibur, and he made that four man dynamic slightly less frantic.

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