5 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Nov 3 - Results & Review)


2. Where’s The Attitude?

Saraya Ruby Soho

Ruby Soho went from being all about attitude as part of The Outcasts to being a quiet little mouse content to let Saraya walk all over her without pushing back. Huh? That's a weird choice, and a strange dynamic; this is especially true considering Ruby is right about things not going well for either woman.

Saraya did lose the AEW Women's Title, after all.

Hmm. Honestly? Not sold on this as the best way to go. It feels like AEW is scrambling, but doesn't have a clue what to do with Ruby or Saraya now Toni Storm has moved on from spray painting fools to much better things as a vintage Hollywood starlet. The other two Outcasts feel unimportant, and that's a problem.

Long-term, Soho will likely link up with the ex-JAS crew (a romance story with Angelo Parker is brewing). That's fine, but having her act so subservient to Raya even when the former Paige is being a total cow to Ruby isn't great.

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