5 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Nov 3 - Results & Review)

3. Just Blistering Action

Penta Komander

Well, this had classic WCW Cruiserweight division vibes, and that's not a bad thing.

Being totally honest, this writer is no fan of the way El Hijo del Vikingo telegraphs 99.9% of his spots (and he also goes a bit too fast for his own good sometimes), but it'd hard to be too critical of a match with this kind of constant action. It was truly breathless, and opened Rampage with a bang.

The three-man dynamic meant there was always something to feast your eyes on. Arguably, some of the head-first bumps with no selling to speak of were a bit much, but the match was a sweet one-off that had the live crowd on their feet. If you like being battered over the head with endless spots, then this is the bout for you!

Penta and Komander served up the best sequences in the match. Again, and not to get knives out for the guy, but Vikingo is guilty of rushing and thus getting sloppy. That could be dangerous considering his high risk style, but yeah - really fun Lucha showcase.

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AEW Rampage
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