5 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (5 July - Results & Review)

1. The Opening Revolving Door Promo

Andrade WWE

Look, nobody was horrible in the mic during Friday's opening ramble, but these revolving doors skits are far too predictable. It gets to the point where fans barely listen to what most wrestlers are saying, 'cause everyone's just sitting around waiting for the next bit of entrance music to hit so someone else can come out to spew a few words.

It's...technically build for matches like Money In The Bank, but it's also boring.

WWE even get a pass for having Raw stars on SmackDown here, but they defo don't get excused for booking this bland revolving door. Did anybody really need to hear Andrade tell the world he plans to win the briefcase, or see Drew McIntyre get a bit of egg on his face for being cheeky to everyone else involved in the bout?

The writers go into safe mode whenever these PLEs are on the horizon and there's a go-home episode to book. That has to change, man. Bland as hell segments like this might as well come with a pre-warning on screen that nothing meaningful is going to happen.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.