5 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (July 14)


3. Feels Like One Attempt Too Many

Lance Archer

How many times have we been here with Lance Archer? AEW heats him up, he disappears, then it's rinse and repeat all over again. Archer's comeback match vs. Trent Beretta wasn't bad by any means, but it's hard to get excited without any sort of story to hang your hat on.

This writer is a big fan of Lance, but he's also seen this all before. Now, Archer has been set up to fail yet again opposite Orange Cassidy at Battle Of The Belts. Ask yourself one question: Where does he go from there? Or, is this Archer's designated spot on the All Elite roster permanently.

Looks like it.

That's problematic for the announcers, because they're expected to hype Archer's latest return as something fans should care about. Then, a short while later, it's very-much onto the next. That's how his match-into-promo challenge felt on Rampage.

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