5 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (July 14)

2. Missed Opportunity

Keith Lee Angelo Parker

How on earth did they miss this?!

Matt Menard and Angelo Parker lost to Keith Lee and Dustin Rhodes during Friday's opener (which earns praise in the 'Ups' section bell-to-bell), then AEW quickly darted onto the next segment without pausing for breath. The problem? Chris Jericho was doing commentary at the top of the ramp.

It didn't make sense that neither JAS member stormed up the aisle way to ask their leader why he couldn't help them out. That's an easy confrontation missed, and it would've made Rampage feel way more like the extension of Dynamite it was originally supposed to be.

JAS has been riddled with tension lately, but not here. No, Jericho hyped his boys up, then All Elite's producers ignored the chance to keep the story purring along. It was almost like the tag bout was taped weeks before Dynamite, which wasn't the case.

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AEW Rampage
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