5 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (June 24)

2. AEW’s Camera Angle Exposes

Andrade El Idolo Rey Fenix

Brace yourselves for a gushing boatload of positivity about Andrade El Idolo vs. Rey Fenix in the 'Ups' section. Anyone who tuned into this week's Rampage would see that coming, but they might be shocked to see it take up some house room in the 'Downs' too.

It's here for one simple reason.

Fenix' foot was visibly underneath the bottom rope during the bout's deciding pinfall. Now, that didn't outright kill the match or anything, but AEW probably should've gone with a different angle here. Technically, Rey's foot was breaking the plane of the ropes, meaning Aubrey Edwards should've stopped counting.

She didn't though. AEW's senior official turned a blind eye to the rules even though it was directly in front of her and counted Fenix down for three. The announcers didn't bother to bring this up either - it was probs more trouble than it was worth for them.

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