5 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Oct 13 - Results & Review)

4. Hope You’re Watching, Eddie Kingston!

Jay Lethal Trent Beretta

A few people watching this one might've thought it was slow, but Jay Lethal and Trent Beretta just weren't in a rush and that should be applauded. They used psychology to explain why Trent was slower-than-usual anyway; Jay injured Beretta's knee, thus making it harder for the Best Friends man to fly around.

That fed into a figure four deep in the match, and ultimately cost Trent the chance to score a win in the end. This fan will take that over moves, moves, moves for the sake of moves, moves, moves every time. Let's hope young talents backstage kept a beady eye on what was done here.

A serious Lethal going after Eddie Kingston's ROH World Title should work too. Hopefully, that match either gets a main event slot on Rampage or a spot at Full Gear if AEW is willing to spin the story out that long. That pay-per-view moment should be achievable, because there's certainly no need to sprint through the feud.

These lads crushed it.

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AEW Rampage
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