5 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Oct 13 - Results & Review)

3. The Upside

Skye Blue

Time for that upside from the Skye Blue vs. Emi Sakura match.

Anyone thinking this would be 4-5 minutes of Skye hitting flashy moves on Emi before scoring the win would've been surprised that Sakura dominated most of the bout. That, and the complete lack of visible aggression from Skye, hurt proceedings, but the match was character building.

In short, Blue took everything the veteran had to give before roaring back and hitting her finish for the win. Not only did that put over how dangerous her main move is, but the closing stretch also portrayed Skye as somebody who can take punishment without folding. That'll come in handy during longer title matches down the stretch.

Blue is slowly changing from bright-eyed, bushy-tailed underdog newbie to something more. Ideally, she'd show that off more during matches, but it'd be unfair to criticise the bad from this segment without spotlighting the good too.

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AEW Rampage
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