5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (27 Sept - Results & Review)

4. Thank God They Didn’t Go Triple Threat!

Bayley Naomi

Speaking of which!

There were worries going into Friday that Hunter would pick the easiest road available with Bayley vs. Naomi by booking a non-finish then lining up a three-way with Nia at Bad Blood. 'The Game' didn't do that - he circled a clear winner (Bayley) and ramped up the tension on Naomi's side at the same time.

The escalating sense of tension between friends worked, not least because it mirrors what's been going on between Jax and Tiffany too. Oh yes, that's some lovely symmetry on both the babyface and heel sides. If you need a cherry on top, then consider this: The actual match between Bayley and Naomi was as solid as they come.

Both had one another well scouted, but there was frustration on Naomi's side 'cause she just couldn't beat someone who's clearly better than she is. That, in turn, forced Naomi to spit out a challenge to Stratton for next week. She's desperate for a win, basically.

Phew! WWE didn't go for the Triple Threat in the Women's Title and the US Title scenes.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.