5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (27 Sept - Results & Review)

1. Cody Costs KO

Randy Orton Kevin Owens Cody Rhodes

Accidentally, of course, but that's the story.

Kevin Owens might've had the headline tag match won had Cody not stuck his beak in at the wrong time. Post-match, Owens looked for all the world like a man who wishes he'd blasted Rhodes with the belt a while back. Meanwhile, comeback man Randy played mediator and tried to keep the peace.

WWE's writers have been doing a fabulous job with all of the heel turn teasing on SmackDown. Crucially, top line players come across as real people with ever-changing emotions and thoughts no matter what they're doing. Keeping everyone on the edge before eventually coming back around and patching things up = watchable wrestling TV.

There's a ton of frost blanketing an otherwise positive relationship Cody and Kev have been vocal about. Special mention last minute for Jacob Fatu yet again too. He shone during the main event, and looks comfy next to even WWE's best. It bodes well for his future prospects on the roster.

Onto next week to see if Cody can trust Roman or if R-KO are 100% bang on...

What did you think of this week's WWE SmackDown? For more wrestling, check out 10 Next Big Things In Wrestling That Totally Flopped and 10 DUMB WWE Booking Decisions (We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS!)!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.