5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (June 9)


3. Some Puzzling Match Lengths

Shotzi IYO SKY

SmackDown served up five matches, but you won't remember at least three of them. Why? Well, WWE handed Bayley vs. Michin and Shotzi vs. IYO SKY just over two minutes each, and the Baron Corbin vs. Butch bout got even less ring time than that.


This hardly made any of those Money In The Bank qualifiers look ultra-competitive. Sure, WWE had a lot of content to burn through here and storytelling takes priority on weekly TV, but come on now - some more wrestling would've been nice. It didn't help that other matches were interrupted by ads either.

All three of these qualifiers came across as second-rate, which isn't nice to report. Bayley beating Michin and IYO toppling Shotzi were obvious results, but agents could've at least tried to make both beaten workers look like they had a chance.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.