5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Mar 3)
4. Perfectly Fine TV
Admittedly, Dom vs. Santos Escobar was a little rough in spots. However, the story being told with Santos having more respect for Rey than Mysterio's own son is decent, and Dominik tearing up daddy's mask worked a treat (WWE had the foresight to gimmick that motherf*cker this time).
One gets the feeling that Triple H likes Escobar and might hand him a push post-WrestleMania. Positioning him as Rey's protege could be odd given he leads a faction elsewhere, but stranger things have happened and it's hard to begrudge someone so talented more TV time.
What a fine match-into-segment sprint this was.
Creative managed to push Santos further towards babyface status, portrayed Dominik as a snot-nosed punk again, and brought Rey out for the now-customary show of disrespect from his own flesh and blood. Next step: 'Papi' Mysterio biting back over on Raw.