5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 21)

1. It’s All Your Fault

Bray Wyatt 2022

He's at it again, folks.

Bray Wyatt slyly shifting responsibility from himself onto fans for the "horrible, horrible" things he's about to do is genius stuff. WWE supporters on Twitter shouted loudly about Wyatt's comeback and how much they wanted to see it, so any blood that results from his return is on your hands.

This was another top promo from someone who is truly a master of these poetic speeches. The way Bray injects just enough emotion without going overboard is a sight to behold; his semi-puzzled facial expression and glazed-over eyes at the end of the segment told their own story.

The dude has gone Russell Crowe in that movie nobody talks about. He's unhinged, man!

Suggesting that fans themselves secretly want carnage, thus absolving Wyatt of any blame, is fabulous storytelling. It's also really twisted, and will hopefully lead to psychotic brilliance that's less cartoony 'Fiend'/more Mick Foley's Mankind.

What did you think of this week's WWE SmackDown? For more like this, check out 10 Crazy Recent WWE Pitches You Won’t Believe and 10 Wrestlers That Don’t Deserve To Be Hated!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.