5 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage: Grand Slam (Sept 22 - Results & Review)


4. Bit Uneventful Then Bit Messy

Orange Cassidy Hook Kris Statlander

The opening tag was fab (more on that to come in the 'Ups'), but it was immediately followed up by a match that just didn't hit the same heights. Orange Cassidy teamed with Hook and Kris Statlander vs. Matt Menard, Angelo Parker and Anna Jay. God only knows why the latter trio are still buddying up post-JAS.

There's nothing there, in other words.

Honestly, a singles bout for Cassidy would've been preferable to all of this. Things trundled along in painfully-uneventful fashion before the ending sequence took a shot of pre-workout and sped things up. Sadly, it ended up being a little busy and far too messy to really hit home.

The match just didn't click for this writer, but some folks watching might see it differently. That's fine, but this is one person's opinion and he badly wishes Orange had been able to bounce back from losing the International Title to Jon Moxley by winning a one-on-one clash.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.