5 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage: Grand Slam (Sept 22 - Results & Review)

2. Sorry, But This Sucked!

The Righteous AEW ROH

Meanwhile, some of them shouldn't happen at all. Case in point: Whatever this was supposed to be. The four-way tag to determine new ROH Tag Title contenders made the finishing run of Cassidy, Hook, Statlander vs. the ex-JAS crew look silky smooth.

This was approx seven minutes of spots with nothing really tying them together. Plus, it was short with a pic-in-pic ad break, and AEW outright failed to properly explain the rules. At first, it seemed like the bout would be tornado style, but then everything settled down and tags started happening. Further, wouldn't it have made sense if Excalibur (or someone) had established that it was one fall to a finish?

Worse, the tags that did eventually happen meant nothing 'cause the ref just waved his arms around asserting zero authority. It was pretty laughable, and that's not said lightly. This kind of stuff might fly on an indy show, but it doesn't translate very well to TV.

There was too much going on at the one time, which made it hard to care about anything.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.