5 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage: Grand Slam (Sept 22 - Results & Review)

1. Every Match Was Interrupted

AEW Rampage Collision

The occasional picture-in-picture commercial interruption is forgivable, because those advertising dollars are important, but AEW had one for every single match on Rampage. That is not a joke - they went pic-in-pic at roughly the same point in every bout. In fact, the only things that didn't get interrupted were promos.

Listen, it's one thing to go pic-in-pic because advertisers bought time on the network to show off their products, but it's another entirely for All Elite to gatecrash their own programming to hype...more programming. For example, they advertised Collision during the opening tag.

That's maybe unavoidable and just the way it is, but it's annoying on a show like Grand Slam that's been promoted as more important than your average Rampage. F*cking over every match on your show just to hype more matches on another show is actually pretty irritating.

Alas, it won't stop.

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